
Podcasts and podcasting news from Robyn Tippins.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Podcast With The CEO of Traineo

Traineo.com is a weight loss/training social network. This is an interview I did with the CEO.

I'm actually having some fun playing around with this site, and I can see a place for this in the social networking space. My mom always said she never kept weight off unless she went to Weight Watchers. It was the support and accountability, she claimed, that really helped her take it off (and keep it off).

Traineo has the potential to be a support system for people who want to lose weight, or even those who want to work out effectively and productively. I know I enjoyed scrounging through the profiles, finding other pilates nerds, so if you're into something weird (like the Wii sports group I joined), you might find other people to help support your weird-o physical fitness addiction.

If you like 43things (and who doesn't???), you'll love Traineo.

Subscribe to the podcast in or grab the feed here.

A full listing of my podcasts can be found here.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Podcast - Interview With LinkedIN CoFounder and Jaxtr CEO, Konstantin Guericke

When I found out Konstantin Guericke, one of the founders of LinkedIN and their marketing/pr guy until Kay recently took over, I knew I wanted to find out more about the company that interested him enough to take his leave of LinkedIN. Konstantin is still an advisor at LinkedIN, but has moved out of the day to day operations to focus on running Jaxtr.

Jaxtr is similar to click-to-call in that it enables instant voice communication from a site with just one click. With Jaxtr, once the beta is open, you can place a snippet of code on your blog and end up with a button (like the one you see to the right sidebar of my own blog, Practical Blogging) or a full featured widget (like what pops up when you click the Jaxtr button on Practical Blogging). Users can click the button/widget and enter their phone number to instantly communicate with you.

I have another option on my blog for instant communication, the MeeboMe widget. But Jaxtr stands apart as the only way, other than Skype, for instant communication via voice. And, with Skype, you have the limitation that only Skype users can call you from your blog AND you must be at your computer to receive the call (unless you've forwarded your Skype calls to your phone, but that's an additional step and it costs SkypeOut money).

If you want to give Jaxtr a try, call me anytime (remember please that I am in VA-USA so I'm GMT -5 (EST). Of course, as well, please download the Interview With LinkedIN Cofounder and Jaxtr CEO, Konstantin Guericke.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Interview With Business Blogging Expert, Ted Demopoulos

I enjoyed interviewing Ted, author of What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting back in mid December. Ted featured roughly 100 bloggers in the book, including me, and I'll review it as soon as I receive my copy in the mail.

You can read more about the book here (book blog) and here (on Amazon) What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting. I hope you enjoy the interview with Ted Demopoulos, author of two books on business blogging.

or grab the feed